Fire Media is a media supervision company within TruckersMP. We strive to provide quality media for your convoys. Our team consists of talented individuals that will provide the best photos possible.
We can offer you are wide range of services, including:
- Media Coverage
- Video Coverage
- Custom Branding
You can book Fire Media to provide media for your convoys. Our talented Media team will be at your convoy and take pictures throughout the entire route that you can use for social media. The photos our media team takes are not copyrighted and does not include a watermark. You can book us from our Discord server.
Do you want to become one of the talented media team members in fire media? You can apply by going to apply page.
Every now and then we try to host simplistic community convoys with no convoy control, just one of our staff members driving first and the others follow. We recommend setting the route before the convoy. If you are a staff members you can also attend the bi-weekly staff meetups.
You can join us on Discord by clicking the link in the navbar. On our server you can book us for your event, see your photos and take a look at the photos from convoys we have attended or hosted. You can also chat with the incredible Fire Media community and ask about any questions you might have.